Certs and Rescue Courses

Outdoor Certifications and Courses

See our offerings below.

Self Rescue Class

When your partner gets injured, you rappelled past the anchor, or the terrain is simply too hard, having a handful of tricks up your sleeve could make the difference between having a small misadventure or a call-for-a-rescue epic. In this clinic you will learn and practice the skills to get you and your climbing partner to safety when your multi-pitch doesn’t go as planned.

See Trips

Wilderness First Responder

OPEN WFR RECERT COURSE LOGISTICS: The Open Recertification course is open to graduates of any wilderness-based first aid training course that was at least 64 hours long and completed within 3 years of the proposed recertification option. Successful graduates of this course will receive Wilderness Medical Associates’ Wilderness First Responder, Anaphylaxis, and BLS/Healthcare Provider-level CPR certifications. WMA WEMT graduates with a current EMT-B or Paramedic certificate may also recertify the wilderness portion of their WEMT with this course.

See Trips